Floating Clock
With Timers!NEW
Floating Clock
With Timers!NEW
Privacy policy
Who is developing Floating Clock?

Floating Clock is an application developed by Jordi Cruzado

What personal information does Floating Clock collect about me?

Floating Clock does not collect any personal information from the user. Nothing. All the data that Floating Clock needs to work, like settings or presets remains in your local computer and it is never transmitted or made accesible to anyone

What non personal information does Floating Clock collect about me?

Floating Clock does not collect any data from you.

If you have Analytics enabled (in System Preferences), then some logs are shared by your macOS with us. These logs are related to crashes.

You can turn off Analytics by visiting "System Preferences->Security&Privacy->Privacy->Analytics&Improvement" and disabling sharing

Apple can also share with us information related with sales of application distributed through Mac App Store. This information is completely anonymous and does not contain personal data

What information does this website collect?

If you send a comment to us by using the contact form of this website, we will collect your email just in order to answer your comment

We will not sell your email address to third parties and we will not use it to send spam